Wednesday, February 01, 2023

Just a test, nothing more.

Another, this time without the link - I hope.

Tuesday, January 31, 2023

@chrisfinazzocom Back at you.

Friday, January 27, 2023

As an experiment, I went through my following list yesterday afternoon and disabled Boosts on everyone. As a result, things are much quieter here than they ever were on Twitter.

Just a thought.

Thursday, January 26, 2023

Trying out including emoji in a note with the Jemoji plugin. :relaxed:

Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Once more for good measure. Let's see what happens if you omit the link...

It looks like I may need to do the syndication bit manually, at least until things get sorted out in the relevant pull request. In addition, although there are no permalinks on the Notes homepage, these items are still reachable if you think about what to do for a moment.

Individual notes still have a date based on their filename, but I'm removing this part from the layout to see if it looks better.

Tuesday, January 24, 2023

A note with no title. Let's see how this goes. Still need to add meta tags, but it's a start.

Another Test

With any luck, this note will find its way to Mastodon.

Thursday, January 12, 2023

Syndicate All the Things

With any luck, this note will find its way to Mastodon. A longstanding bug affecting signups is still open so who knows if it will actually work...

I don't plan on leaving Twitter just yet, but using POSSE gives me the most flexibility depending on how things play out.

Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Indieweb Test

I'm trying to use webmentions again with the plugin. To make this work, I had to downgrade my Jekyll install to 3.9 - good to know it is still being maintained.

Might be time to start familiarizing myself with Mastodon.

Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Webmentions Again

Testing webmentions (again) using Brett's fork of the plugin.

Sunday, May 09, 2021

Feed Readers FTW

TFW both feeds render correctly in Reeder 🍾

I wish I could rewrite the previous sentence - swapping in NetNewswire in its place - but alas, Feed Wrangler support is still forthcoming.

Saturday, May 08, 2021

JSON Feeds

Continuing with the theme of all things feed-related, notes and posts are available as a pair of JSON feeds.

Thursday, May 06, 2021

RSS for Notes

Notes published to the site now have their own RSS feed. While there are other ways to interleave these posts into the regular feed - I wanted to keep things as simple as possible.

Still, the ideas here might work for adding a feed for the linkblog.

Long Version Control


The process which often occurs after a substantial change to a project where - either due to complexity or the passage of time - it is near impossible to remember what was actually done. This makes creating sensible commits difficult and usually involves running git difftool on individual files to come up with a reasonable explanation of how the problem was solved or a new feature added.

Side effects can include a large number of editor windows and cognitive overload.

A form of Yak shaving.

Wednesday, May 05, 2021

Work in Progress

Behind the scenes, I've been working on a number of fairly substantial changes to the site. While the look hasn't changed all that much, under the hood, it's a definite step up.

In the spirit of the Indieweb, notes - e.g, microblog-style posts, reposts, and replies - are in and the linkblog has been improved (they're both powered by Jekyll's support for collections). I also rebuilt the way layouts are handled and - in true Jekyll style - all of them now inherit from the default one.

Liquid templates have their quirks, but the whole process wasn't overly difficult.