App Defaults

As the idea has been making its way around the Internet for a couple weeks, it's time for me to add my own set of apps to the blogroll1. There are many lists like it, but this one is mine.

📨 Mail Client: Mail

📮 Mail Server: Fastmail & Google

📝 Notes: Notes

✅ To-Do: Reminders

📷 Photo Shooting: iPhone 14 Pro

🎨 Photo Editing: Rarely: Preview or Photos.

📆 Calendar: iCal

📁 Cloud File Storage: iCloud Drive

📖 RSS: NetNewsWire

🙍🏻‍♂️ Contacts: Contacts

🌐 Browser: Desktop: Safari, Chrome, and Firefox iOS: Safari (obviously).

💬 Chat: Messages (and occasionally IRC)

🔖 Bookmarks: iCloud

📑 Read It Later: Reading List

📜 Word Processing: Rarely: Pages

📈 Spreadsheets: Numbers, and Google Sheets

📊 Presentations: Powerpoint, Keynote (and if I really need to, RevealJS)

🛒 Shopping Lists: Reminders

🍴 Meal Planning: N/A (😬)

💰 Budgeting and Personal Finance: Spreadsheets

📰 News: Apple News, RSS

🎵 Music:

🎤 Podcasts: Overcast

🔐 Password Management: iCloud Keychain

🧑‍💻 Code Editor: BBEdit Rarely: Xcode

✈️ VPN: In a past life, I used - and later worked as a contractor to suport - RSA tokens. Currently playing with: Tailscale

  1. Yes, I said blogroll, kids. After all, 37 is close to ancient in Internet Time.

  2. I'm in the process of ridding my life of word processing apps. With a bit of HTML & CSS, almost any document is within reach.